Friday, September 16, 2011

i choose this video because its funny and it makes people laugh.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Microsoft Office OneNote Review

Microsoft Office OneNote is Microsoft's way of taking notes. When you first go into OneNote it comes up with a blank page with two tabs at the top. You can open new tabs and label them. The Tabs would be like your subjects in a notebook. Whenever you would need to take notes on a different subject you would just click on the tab that you would need to take notes in. Also you can do things like screen clipings where you click on the insert button click on screen clipping button than you drag a box over the picture and it posts it in your notes. This would be very helpful and useful for like a diagram or a table that you saw online.

OneNote can also be used on many different devices. You can use it on the Ipad, Ipod Touch, and also Blackberry devices. This program is different from other Microsoft programs because it is built for taking notes. There are programs you could use for taking notes like Word or excel but this is built for only taking notes.

It could benefit business professionals in meeting because if they are sitting in a meeting they can just type the notes because a lot of business professionals can type faster than they can write so it would be easier. Also it can be used on all apple devices and blackberry devices. I think that this program is better than Evernote because it is easier to keep everything organized.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

my favorite websites

So this blog that I am posting today is about my three favorite websties to use. I would have to say my number one favorite webstite that I use is YouTube. I use YouTube multiple times a day. I use YouTube to watch music videos or just listen to songs I dont have. YouTube is also used for just looking at funny videos that other people have posted, like the most famous video Charlie Bit My Finger. Those are the reasons YouTube is my favorite website.
My second favorite website would have to be My Life Is Bro. I like this website because its just a bunch of funny things bros post.
My third favorite website would have to be my church webstie This is the website I check to figure out everything thats going out in my church